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Our Mission

At A Solid Footing, providing exceptional care is our priority. We take an overall health and wellbeing approach to our Advanced Foot Care services.  A Solid Footing provides experienced and knowledgeable Advanced Foot Care and strives towards obtaining your highest level of foot health.  Our skilled nurse takes the time to provide client specific education, offers recommendations, and will provide referrals to other health care professionals as needed.

Book an Appointment with Our Nurse 

(780) 238-1683  |

One-to-One Mobile Service

A Solid Footing comes to you whether it be Facility Living or a Private Residence 

Who Needs Medical Foot Care?


High Risk Medical Patients



Also - Those who "Just Can't Reach Their Feet" 

Specialized Diabetic Foot Care

Reduction & Management of Thick/Fungal Nails

Management of Ingrown Toenails

Reduction & Care of Callouses and Corns

Trimming and Filing of Nails

Skin Care


Recommendations & Referrals as Required

Services Available


Private Appointment  |  $65.00 - Our current waitlist is full, we are unable to accept new Private In-home Clients at this time

Facility Living (5 or more clients at same facility)  |  $50.00 - Limited availability at some facilities

Discounts Given to Multiple Private Appointment Clients at Same Location 

Receipts as a Medical Service Provided

Direct Billing with Veterans Affairs Canada Available

Direct Billing and Insurance Coverage Options Available - Please Ask When Booking an Appointment 

Service area is primarily North Edmonton, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, and Stony Plain.

Please note that if booking outside the service area an additional fee may apply.

 High Quality Professional Tools & Products

All Foot Care Devices Steam Sterilized via Autoclave as per Alberta Health Services (AHS) 'Best Practice'

Strict adherence to AHS infection prevention and control

Insured and covered by WCB

Adherence to CAFCN 'Best Practices' for Foot Care Nurses


Continuing Education in Foot Care Nursing

Professional & Best Practice Provider

Specialization with CLPNA (College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta) in Advanced Practice Foot Care

Member of CAFCN (Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses)

About Andrea

A Solid Footing was established in 2018 and is solely owned and operated in Edmonton, Alberta by Andrea Ocampo LPN 


A bit about Andrea

"Andrea is an experienced Edmonton based health care provider.  Beginning her nursing career in 2006, Andrea has worked in various acute and long term care settings. Throughout her nursing career, Andrea has been dedicated to developing and enhancing her medical skill set. 

Andrea shifted to advanced foot care nursing in 2016 as her primary practice.  Andrea has experience contracting with a large, reputable, Edmonton based advanced foot care provider and runs her own practice, A Solid Footing. 

Growing up in a medically inclined family, Andrea went on to have one of her own.  Her husband, Lyndon, is a Registered Nurse working in ICU with Alberta Health Services.  Together, they have three school aged children which keep them busy outside of work."

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